Foglia Pesti

Foglia Pesti

By: Daniel Lucas

Dish: Vegetable
Season: Winter
Source: Family Recipe
Servings: 4
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  • 2-3 large bunch of kale
  • 3 large potatoes, cubed
  • 1 lb bacon / pancetta, chopped
  • garlic, chopped
  • Pecorino Romano
  • salt
  • pepper

This probably the most iconic recipe that comes from my family — I have yet to really come across anything like it. The name “Pesti — literally ‘to pound’ — is what you do to the greens in this recipe. Make sure you are liberal with both Pecorino and red chili pepper at the table.


  1. Boil the potatoes, drain, then set aside.
  2. Remove the stems from the kale, then steam until very limp.
  3. Thoroughly mash, or pound, the steamed kale with salt.
  4. Fry the bacon with the garlic
  5. Mash greens into the potatoes, then add the bacon and garlic and a dash of fat from the pan.
  6. Serve with grated Pecorino Romano and red chili flakes

Foglia Pesti

Foglia Pesti

By: Daniel Lucas

This probably the most iconic recipe that comes from my family — I have yet to really come across anything like it. The name “Pesti — literally ‘to pound’ — is what you do to the greens in this recipe. Make sure you are liberal with both Pecorino and red chili pepper at the table.


  1. Boil the potatoes, drain, then set aside.
  2. Remove the stems from the kale, then steam until very limp.
  3. Thoroughly mash, or pound, the steamed kale with salt.
  4. Fry the bacon with the garlic
  5. Mash greens into the potatoes, then add the bacon and garlic and a dash of fat from the pan.
  6. Serve with grated Pecorino Romano and red chili flakes